Analysis of Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Pathways
2024-06-12 | 中液机电 | 353 View

In hydraulic systems, contamination should not be underestimated. For most systems where contamination exists, it is often due to poor knowledge of fluid properties or poor filter placement, or the life of the filter element is not up to the system's maintenance intervals. If high priority is given to contamination control of the system at the design stage, both short-term and long-term problems can be avoided, ensuring that every hydraulically driven or oil-lubricated machine remains in good condition over the long working life.

There are four main sources of solid contamination in hydraulic fluids:

1, new oil that has been contaminated. Despite the relative purity of hydraulic and lubricating oils, it is inevitable that impurities are mixed in during transportation and tanking. Oil flowing through the tubing will dissolve off metal and rubber particles, metal flakes or oxidized skin on the inside wall of the drum will also cause secondary pollution, rust and other atmospheric pollution of the storage tank will also be invasive. Ideal practice is to use a portable oil delivery trolley equipped with a high-efficiency filter to filter out the pollutants in the new oil in advance.

2, residual pollution. New machinery usually contains a certain amount of residual contaminants inside, even after assembly systems and flushing new components carefully checked, it is difficult to completely eradicate, such as burrs, swarf, flying edges, dust, fibers, sand, moisture, pipe sealant, welding star, paint and flushing fluid.

3, invasive pollution. Pollution of the surrounding environment can invade the hydraulic and lubrication systems, in large equipment, especially walking equipment, due to the use of different areas and even weather conditions, environmental conditions vary greatly, the key is to block the environmental pollutants that are about to enter the system can be accessed through the tank vent, manhole cover, maintenance of open components and cylinder seals and other ways.

4, generate pollution. This is the most dangerous pollution of the system, is generated within the system itself. These pollutants by the "cold hardening" after the hardness is higher, extremely harmful. Daily operation of all hydraulic components will produce a small number of particles, if not filtered into the system in a timely manner, will accelerate the generation of new pollution. Keep the system fluid clean is the best way to prevent the generation of pollution, the generation of pollution, including abrasive wear, adhesion wear, fatigue wear, scouring wear, gas corrosion wear, corrosion wear. Failure caused by pollution is divided into sudden failure (large particles into the pump or valve), gap failure (valve seat contamination can not be correctly homing) and degradation failure (abrasive wear, corrosion, cavitation, gas mixing, scouring wear or surface fatigue results).

Emphasis on the hydraulic oil pollution path, take effective measures to prevent and control, so that our hydraulic system more stable and reliable operation!

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